
TWP Open Prep Guide – 2024


This guide will encompass 6 weeks of training leading up to the announcement of Open workout 24.1, and include:

  • Progressions & skill work for high-probability Open movements
  • Programming geared towards Open success
  • Open workout retests
  • Nutrition & supplementation for performance
  • Warm-ups, WOD strategy, and best cool-down practices
  • Option to continue through the Open

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Ready to have your best Open finish yet?

Elevate this year’s CrossFit Open performance with my 6-Week Open Prep Guide.

This program is your key to being best prepared physically and mentally for anything the CrossFit Open throws at you. In the weeks leading up to the Open, the program will dive deep into movement mastery focusing on the essential Open exercises, fine-tune your techniques with progressive skill training, and enhance your efficiency with possible repeat Open workouts. “Prepare for the Unknown and Unknowable” is the CrossFit Games slogan but there are predictable movements and time domains we can prepare for. Movements we see the most often in the Open:

  1. Thrusters – 13x
  2. Double Unders – 13x
  3. Toes to Bar- 12x
  4. Chest to Bar Pull-ups – 11x
  5. Handstand Push-ups – 7x
  6. Muscle-ups – 8x

From Double Unders to Handstand Push-ups, I will guide you through a personalized training plan, ensuring you’re not just ready for the Open – but ready to crush the tests.


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