Tag: Fitness

Reignite Your Fitness Motivation: 10 Effective Strategies for Progress

The summer season is notorious for people putting their health and fitness on the back burner. A day off of the gym can turn into a few days, a week, a few weeks… you can see where I’m going with this. Derailment of any kind doesn’t mean all of your progress is lost. The best […]

How to become an Accountability Queen/King

Accountability is crucial for maintaining consistency in any health and fitness routine. Here are my top 5 ways to establish accountability and achieve your goals as soon as possible: 1. Set Clear, Measurable Goals: Define specific, achievable goals with clear timelines. Whether it’s losing a certain amount of weight, lifting a specific weight, or running […]

Training vs Competing and avoiding Overtraining

Ask yourself: Are you training or competing everyday? This is a very important distinction to make in your own programming. Too often I see individuals thinking they are training when in fact they are actually falling into a competition mentality, and quite often without even knowing it. They just think they are training hard and […]


*NEW* TWP E-Books!This article will cover: who are they for, what’s included, and how to get started: What are E-Books? E-books are my digital training programs in the form of PDF. Each TWP E-book offered has a different training focus — whether you’re looking to increase strength, develop your endurance/stamina engine, or learn/perfect a skill, […]