Tag: Goal-Setting

How to Set and Stick to Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions

The start of a new year is the perfect time to commit to your health and fitness goals. But let’s be honest: many fitness resolutions don’t make it past the first few weeks. Whether it’s the allure of quick fixes or setting unrealistic expectations, staying consistent can feel like an uphill battle. The good news? […]

Staying on Track: The Benefits of Keeping Up with Your Training While on Vacation 🏖️

When you’re on vacation, the temptation to ditch your training plan and fully dive into relaxation mode can be strong. While taking a break is important, keeping some level of fitness during your trip can actually enhance your experience. Not only does it help you stay on track with your goals, but staying active can […]

Reignite Your Fitness Motivation: 10 Effective Strategies for Progress

The summer season is notorious for people putting their health and fitness on the back burner. A day off of the gym can turn into a few days, a week, a few weeks… you can see where I’m going with this. Derailment of any kind doesn’t mean all of your progress is lost. The best […]

How to become an Accountability Queen/King

Accountability is crucial for maintaining consistency in any health and fitness routine. Here are my top 5 ways to establish accountability and achieve your goals as soon as possible: 1. Set Clear, Measurable Goals: Define specific, achievable goals with clear timelines. Whether it’s losing a certain amount of weight, lifting a specific weight, or running […]

Training vs Competing and avoiding Overtraining

Ask yourself: Are you training or competing everyday? This is a very important distinction to make in your own programming. Too often I see individuals thinking they are training when in fact they are actually falling into a competition mentality, and quite often without even knowing it. They just think they are training hard and […]